Posen Elisabeth, ép. Carlebach



Avec Wolfgang Wachsmuth le 02/02/1914

Leisel Gebhardt (née Mayer) a écrit dans son journal (elle avait alors 14 ans) : "Elisabeth Posen was married to Wolfgang Wachsmuth. It was very nice at the wedding. Wolfgang's parents were very refined and I really liked them. Gunther and Eleanor Wachsmuth were also there. Eleanor is absolutely charming and very pretty, very gracious. She seems to have had an education in dancing. Wolfgang's stepfather made the speech and recited a poem that he made up himself. It was beautiful."

Mayer Family Tree Report Aug 2006.rtf, N° 71

Avec David Carlebach (Carson) le 05/02/1919 à Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland


Avec Wolfgang Wachsmuth

Avec David Carlebach (Carson)


Mayer Family Tree Report Aug 2006.rtf, N° 71
MAYER.xls, SOSA E-4-3-3-1