Avec Edel Weisenau
Avec Edel Weisenau
According to Christof EBERSTADT CPA-Eberstadt@t-online.de, Juda Loeb OPPENHEIM married Sorle Cayn (b. Frankfurt?, d. ? 23 Jan 1579 Frankfurt) daughter of Majer Cayn = KATZ "Zur Pforte" Frankfurt andGutlin BINGEN daughter of Schaul BINGEN. Gutlin remarried Amschel KATZ "Zum Storch" son of Simon (d. 03 Mar 1586 Frankfurt). EBERSTADT's source is the Ele Toldot in Frankfurt and father Majer is not definitely given there as father of Juda Loeb. Alternatively, according to Lawrence D. WEINBERG larryw at bu.edu and David SOLOMON and Hannah Devora HBarts@aol.com, Juda Loeb OPPENHEIMER's wife was Edel WEISENAU daughter of Simon WEISENAU(d. 1523 Frankfurt) [son of Manes WEISENAU and Rieke COHEN] and Emelin KOELN [daughter of Rabbi Joselin KOELIN and EPSTEIN], whose family tree can be traced back to Lewe BUTZBACH (d. 1450) son of Smohel BUTZBACH. WEINBERG's sources were: (1) The web site Jewish Families of Frankfurt am Main by Roger CIBELLA baroncibella@wport.com with the information mostly from DIETZ's Stammbaum der Frankfurter Juden; and (2) Genealogical Tables of Jewish Families, 14th-20 Centuries, Forgotten Fragments of the History of the FRAENKEL Family, by Louis and Henry FRAENKEL (2d ed. 1999). Both say that Edel WEISENAU, daughter of Simon WEISENAU, was married to Loeb Juda OPPENHEIM, the father of Moses OPPENHEIM.
Arbre Dan Loeb |